About Us

Systems Integration Solutions, LLC is a leader in the field of information technology technical solutions, saying that it meets the requirements of the ISO 9001 certificate for compliance with high-quality services. We work with the new digital standards of the European Union, such as ICT, as well as develop the most innovative technological solutions and ensure the quality of their implementation.


• In 2017, we started to experiment with Bitcoin, Ethereum and other platforms, but we have chosen Hyperledger Fabric for further development of Blockchain technology. We are constantly developing prototypes based on this technology.

• We built a ChainRecord prototype for document signing and document process tracking. A new prototype version of CorpoSign is currently being developed for public testing and use.

• Development of architectural solutions using microservices (Kubernetes, Google).

• El. archive product Alfresco, various solutions for companies based on Blockchain technology, SAF-T product.

• Systems integration solutions in logistics and other business sectors.


• Implementation of the RTP initiative with Vilnius Business College (using Blockchain and other EU technologies and digital standards).

• Implementation of the DLTnode project (together with the Infobalt Association and partners), the EBSI node's launch in Lithuania.

• Discussions with the Lithuanian Tax Inspectorate on the possible use of DLT technology in the eReceipt system.

• Implemented a research project on different DLT platforms' functionalities, supported by the Intellect LT program.

• E&Y in EU4Digital facility partners (a project currently underway to implement an eDelivery pilot project in the Eastern Partners) aims to establish a framework for implementing EU standards in the Eastern Partners).

• LBChain platform for factoring solution testing with eInvoicing.

• eDelivery LT, VšĮ founders (implementation of EU Building Block in Lithuania) - initiators of CEF project.

• Developers of the eCMR (electronic consignment note) developed by DIGINNO eCMR-mind project.

• Partners for the implementation of the eInvoicing Directive in Lithuania - initiators of the CEF project.


• Infobalt Association working group leadership (together with eInvoicing, eIDAS, EU4Digital, BlockChain subgroups).

• Membership of the Lithuanian eCMR working group, active participation in the Lithuanian Digital Agenda Council's activities.

• Constant communication and submission of proposals to Lithuanian political forces regarding digitization solutions.

• Together with DIGINNO partners, efforts are being made to move the eCMR project to the EU Blockchain Infrastructure level (EBSI).

• Participation in DG CONNECT (eDelivery, API, BlockChain), CEN CT, DTLF international initiatives.

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