June 1, 2022
Contact your administrator to obtain user logins.
push onboard with captha:
go to Mobile Wallet:
then we get QR code:
Next, open the CorpoSign DID app on your phone and go to New Wallet:
Write Wallet Name and Create New Wallet.
We provide access to these credential type to people who have a wallet:
Go to Link, select the credential you require, and click Generate:
Choice enwidece type and click NEXT:
a) eID evidence
b) internal evidence type
Get QR code:
Go to your phone's CorpoSign DID app wallet and tap the QR scanner button.
The credential will be created after you receive notified to accept it. :
Go to https://ecmr.dev.cloud.chainrecord.net/ , "VP" and press "Login using Power of Attorney VP"
Get QR code :
Using your mobile wallet, scan the QR code.
Attach credentials:
request credentials:
Then you'll be assigned to serve