May 18, 2022
a) For user:
Contact your administrator to obtain user logins.
Create account using this link
Contact your company's administrator to finish registration.
After your administrator finished your registration, login to user link
Press "generate":
Choose evidence type and click NEXT:
a) eID evidence
b) internal evidence type
Get QR code and scan it with your wallet on mobile (if you don't have a wallet, follow instructions below)
push onboard with captha:
go to Mobile Wallet:
then we get QR code:
Next, open the mydid app on your phone and go to New Wallet:
Write Wallet Name and Create New Wallet.
We provide access to these credential type to people who have a wallet:
b) For administrator:
Select "users" and find required user:
Make sure that the user is enabled and that email is verified:
Select "Attributes" and fill in attributes as shown in the example and press "save"
Join to groups :