April 12, 2017 – October 15, 2020
In DIGINNO-Proto (2017-2020) project, we have won the tender to develop and test the CMR index registry prototype in a real environment between cross-border controlling agencies (in 4 BSR countries). Nevertheless, an eCMR solution can only function when an internationally connected digital ecosystem is available, which would allow the data exchange on those documents along the transport corridor.
During the initiation of the prototype, there already were eCMR service providers available and governments capable and interested in reading the electronic data that they are entitled to check. The governmental institutions in partner countries could nevertheless easily accept the electronic eCMR, even if the legal ground for it existed at the project implementation time. The missing link was a secure and trustful way to exchange eCMR data between governments and eCMR service providers.
The project video describes in short the idea of eCMR indexing scheme and benefits to the stakeholders proved through real-life testing.
The deliverables of the project including the final documentation are available on the DIGINNO-Proto website.