June 7, 2022
eFTI platform concept scheme:
Goal: Electronic document eCMR, creating, editing and tracking .
LT GUI | https://app.index.sis.lt/ |
SSO LT | https://sso.playground.ecmr4.eu/auth/realms/lt |
realm admin | [email protected] |
realm ecmr admin console | https://sso.playground.ecmr4.eu/auth/admin/master/console |
SSO users:
Arturas Misevicius ID | 0de1cea2-037e-4361-83d5-b973e85566b7 |
Risardas Bedulskis ID | 865f75c7-ad1f-434d-80f3-3161fe1bb6a8 |
Government | test |
name | LT government |
Groups | government/customs |
u: | [email protected] |
p: | password |
id: | dd1bbedc-f9f4-4c79-a98d-b326d3885c23 |
Business | test |
name | LT business |
Groups | Business/Business Company LT |
u: | [email protected] |
p: | password |
id: | 9e4ba04b-d01d-4ee6-a16e-e5726164db71 |
Input data
Input title | Value (example) |
eCMR ID | ecmrVKT |
Invoice ID | invoiceVKT |
Permitz ID | permitzVKT |
Country Code | "LT" |
ISO 6523 ICD | "200" |
Register Code | "123456789" |
Document (pdf) | document pdf |
Has access | Manage users access by user ID |
Transport reg. Nr. | "LSI913" |
Transport category | "Truck" |
Transport Country code | "LT" |
Login to https://ecmr.dev.cloud.chainrecord.net/login
Regarding MyDID manual : https://sis.lt/mydid-manual-for-users/
A window to manage access will appear. Click add permissions:
You can add permissions by user-id, for all (*), or according to your preference.
After that, you'll be able to check who has access.